Education and Family


We Are Teachers | Are Children Really that Resilient?

Supporting resilience and grit in a time of Zoom and virtual learning.


Outside | The Best Family Dogs

Dogs aren’t just accessories to your kids and spouse—they are as much a part of the family as any two-legged member. Dogs are there from the beginning, running around when the children start walking and licking the tears away when they have their first tantrum. They snuggle on the couch and faithfully "clean" the kitchen floor. They watch sadly from the door when the kids leave for school, and they happily accompany their family on outdoor adventures, no matter the pace or distance.

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We Are Teachers


Reaching the Students Who Don’t Have Reliable Internet Access

As schools move to virtual learning, the disparity between some students and their ability to continue learning at home has grown. Not every student has internet access, let alone a computer. And, in some places, like rural Alaska, teachers may not have access to the internet. Read on for a few ways to stay connected with all of your students.


What I’ve Learned About Teaching Preschool Virtually

How do you move preschool online? It’s a tough question when so much of preschool is about hands-on learning, exploration, and play. I spoke with my fellow teachers from the Jay and Rose Phillips Early Childhood Center at the Boulder Jewish Community Center about how to continue to teach the very young, virtually. Here’s what we’ve come up with … the dos and don’ts of virtual learning for preschool students.


How Do I Get a Job at an International School?

I had never really thought about teaching overseas, even though I love to travel. The idea of teaching English somewhere didn’t appeal to me. And I wasn’t sure how my credentials in the states would match up to credentials internationally. Then I saw an article from USA Today, touting the massive benefits that American teachers abroad evidently receive—lower class sizes, better schedules, free housing, living stipends, and other day-to-day benefits. Not all international schools pay higher salaries necessarily, though some do. For us travel fiends, this sounds like a dream.

We Are Teachers | The CEO of Netflix is Creating a Teacher Retreat Spa in Colorado

Reed Hastings, co-founder of Netflix, made headlines a few weeks ago when his most recent purchase came to light. Although the info was spread across regular news sites, those of us in education are perhaps even more interested. According to an article by Vox, Hastings purchased 2,100 acres of land in Colorado that will be used solely as an educator and teacher retreat center, called Retreat Land at Lone Rock.

